Title: Along The Med on a Bike Called Reggie Author: Andrew...
Title: Parthenon: Power and Politics on the Acropolis Author: David Stuttard...
Title: Purview: Her View Author: Dennis Menos Genre: Fiction Publisher: Createspace...
Title: Acropolis of Athens Author: Kostas Tsarouchas Publisher: Alithia Publications S.A....
Title: The Lady in Gold Author: Anne Marie O'Connor Genre: Art...
Title: Professor Munakata's Author: Yukinobu Hoshino Genre: Comic books, strips, etc...
Title: The Parthenon Author: Mary Beard Genre: History, Travel Publisher: Profile...
Title: The Parthenon Marbles: The Case For Reunification Author: Christopher Hitchens...
Title: The Parthenon Sculptures in the British Museum Author: Ian Jenkins...
Title: Prosopa tis Akropolis Author: Association of the Friends of the...