Title: Should we return the Elgin marbles? Author: Vicky Pryce, Dominic...
Title: British people tend to think Elgin Marbles should be returned...
Title: MORI Poll: Greek opinion on the reunification of the Parthenon...
Title: Guardian Poll: Is George Clooney correct? Should Britain return the...
Title: 38 Degrees Poll: Reunifying the Parthenon Sculptures (AKA Elgin Marbles)...
Title: IQ2 Poll Send them Back: The Parthenon Marbles Should be...
Title: Museum Journal Poll: Should the Parthenon Marbles be returned? Publisher:...
Title: Guardian Poll: Is it time to return the Parthenon Marbles?...
Title: MORI Poll: Return of the Parthenon Marbles Release Date: 15...
Title: CNN Poll: Should the UK return the so-called "Elgin marbles"...